Buy Hemp Organic CBD Oil Online

Research has now proven that, while THC is responsible for the psychoactivity of marijuana, CBD Oil is the healing compound and even has some anti-psychotic effects on the human mind. THC stimulates and induces hallucinations while CBD works well with body cells to improve immunity. It is even produced naturally in the human brain. Here is where the confusion starts! Both CBD and THC have a wide range of applications and are similar at the molecular level.

This has led the public to often confuse them. Even the scientific community believed that CBD and THC were in fact the same substance until relatively recently. The chemical properties of CBD and THC vary widely enough to classify THC as a psychotropic drug strictly controlled by federal authorities, while CBD is regarded as legal and safe worldwide. WATER SOLUBLE is the key! Unless nutrients are water-soluble, plants and animals can’t get to or use them. Buy organic cbd oil and other oils are naturally lipophilic (oil based), which means your body often can only absorb 3-6% of the nutrients, while the rest passes through the body unused.

Water-soluble nutrients, on the other hand, enter the body quickly and efficiently, allowing your body to absorb up-to 60-100% of the nutrients. Just 10mg of a water-soluble nutrient can out-perform 100-200mg of the same type of nutrient that is not water-soluble. That’s a HUGE difference to you and your family’s health! The human body is made mostly of water. Sadly, fat soluble substances (like CBD) are undigestible because they cannot permeate the film of water that lines your digestive tract. That’s why the body relies on micelles (i.e., bile from the liver and gall bladder) to make fats/oils water coated enough to be then used as a form of energy in the body.

But, like we mentioned before, over 90% of your CBD Hemp oil is wasted unless it becomes water-soluble BEFORE you ingest it. That’s where our proprietary Micellization Technology called Purzorb comes in. Mimicking the body’s natural micellization process, our CBD instantly dissolves in water, rather than bunching up in oil clumps, like regular CBD. Even companies bragging about liposomal technologies (which are very unstable), can’t come close to our absorption rates. PuRx7 is the highest “bio-absorbable” CBD out there, and the most stable. No refrigeration needed! Those are some of the big reasons why we’re the #1 CBD Organic Oil in the market!

Author: PuRx7

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a natural substance that has recently come into the spotlight for numerous reasons. Strictly as a chemical substance, Hemp cbd oil has strong antioxidant properties, a fact that so far has been largely ignored by the broader food supplements industry. 100% Legal and can even be bought at PuRx7.

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